1. | Mr. M.S. Mwaffisi | Information Tanzania (TUT) | 2865577,0784381003 radiotanzania@raha.com |
2. | Mr. Semu Mwakyanjala | Information Officer | 0784505153
smwakyanjala@tcra.go.tz |
3 | Mr. David Mziray | SUMATRA | 0713250550 davymzy@yahoo.com |
4 | Mr. Ali H. Juma | VPO | 0773495806 alimeja@yahoo.com |
5 | Mr. Job David Mika | Agriculture Food & Cooperative | 0713213500 jobumika@yahoo.co |
6 | Bi. Rehema Mbulalina | PO-PSM | 0713405091
rehemah@hotmail.com |
7 | Bw. William Budoya | PO-PSC | 2126811,0754445081 Williambudoya@hotmail.com |
8 | Mr. J.S. Katanga | Home Affairs- Refugee Department | 0787522552 jkatanga@lycos.com |
9 | Mr. Florian Kaiza | Home Affairs | 0713508009/0787508009 |
10 | Bw. Emmanuel Dida | MCDGC | 02222132526/0754929046 |
11. | Mr. N.D. Taraba | Ministry of Water | 0755264041
nyabaganga@yahoo.co |
12. | Ms. Magdalena Kishiwa | MoEVT | 0754629027
magdakishiwa@yahoo.com |
13. | Mr. A.S. Mwaimu | MoEVT | asm_mwaimu@yahoo.com |
14. | Mr. Steven D.Mbele | PCB | 0784998832 stevembelle@yahoo.co.uk |
15. | Ms. Mary Komba | Law Reform Commission of Tz | 0754285675 marykomba@yahoo.com |
16. | Ms. Patricia Michael | N.H.IF | 0754294539
info@nihfiz.com |
17. | Ms. Vanessa Mugeta | Open University | 0784206531 vankisari@yahoo.com |
18. | Mr. Emmanuel Mwero | Bank of Tanzania | 0754743676mweroemmanuel@yahoo.com |
19. | Ms. Mary L. Mwakapenda | Ministry of Labour, Employment & Youth Development | 0754747009marylson@yahoo.com |
20. | Mr. Bunyanzu Ntambi | MoEVT | 07134166186 nbunyazu@yahoo.com |
21. | Ms. Joyce Mkinga | Ministry of Planning | 0784941399 mkingaj@yahoo.co |
22. | Mr. Fidelis M. Mboya | Ministy of Home Affairs-Prisons | 0787627670
fidelismboya@yahoo.co.uk |
23. | Mr. Christopher Lawrence Kannonyele | Defence&National Service | 0787182887 Chrisskann@yahoo.com |
24. | Ms. Asteria V. Muhozya | Community Defence Gender & Children | 0754913737asteria@mcdgc.go.tz,aster001us@gmail.com |
25. | Mr. Cosmas Mwaisobwa | Higher Educatiion Students Loans Board | 0754300169 cosmasmwaisonwa@hotmail.com |
26. | Mr. Kisare Makori | PIO – State House | kisare@ikulu.go.tz |
27. | Mr. Jack Meena | TRA | 0754283557
imeena@tra.go.tz, immeena@hotmail.com |
28. | Mr. Omar Mchuchuri | District Security Officer | |
29. | Ms. Rebecca Kwandu | Immigration Officer | 0713432142
mamaahadi@yahoo.com |
30. | Mr. Tiganya Vicent | Information Officer | 0756927131
tiganyadaudi@yahoo.co.uk |
31. | Ms. Zamaradi Kawawa | Public Service Management | 0784434776 tendwat2002@yahoo.co |
32. | Mr. Boniface Byarugaba | Daily News | byarugaba@yahoo.com |
33. | Mr. Augustino Tendwa | IJMC/UDSM-PMO | 0754003576 tendwat2002@yahoo.co |
34. | Ms. Sylvia T. Lupembe | Tanzania Education Authority | 0784664443
slupembe@tea.or.tz |
35. | Ms. Mwajuma Mponji | Tume ya Taifa ya Uchaguzi | 0713238327 uchaguzitanzan@yahoo.com |
36. | Mr. Jumanne Mnyau | Ministry of Agriculture&Livestock | 0713327092 jumanneissamnyau@yahoo.com |
37. | Mr. Jamal Zuberi | Information Officer | 0754290264, 0752222161 jmzuberi@yahoo.com |
38. | Ms .Hilda K. Mwampeta | MITM Ministry of Trade & Marketing | 0713498259 kifuna@yahoo.com |
39. | Ms. Mwanakombo Jumaa | Information Officer | 0754479639
damwanaj@yahoo.co.uk |
40. | Ms. Jovina Bujulu | Information Officer | 0754382214 jkbujulu@yahoo.com |
41. | Ms. Theresia Nyantori | Information Officer | 0787268106 teddynyantori@yahoo.com |
42. | Ms. Sophia A. Wambura | Justice | 0784332554 sophiwamburra@yahoo.com |
43. | Ms. Anna Itenda | Information Officer | 0784666696
annaitenda@yahoo.com |
44. | Mr. Ephron P. Sanga | Public Safety & Security | 0754615595
sangaefron@yahoo.com |
45. | Mr. John Lukuwi | Information Officer | johnlukuwi@yahoo.com |
46. | Ms. Aziza Msuya | Information Officer | 0754752697
Azizamsuya2004@yahoo.co.uk |
47. | Ms. Siglinda Chipungaupi | Information Officer | 0753559932 |
48. | Mr. Mwirabi Sise | Information Officer | 0756989214
mwirabisise@yahoo.com |
49. | Mr. George Bendera | PMO-Disaster Management Department | 0786532330 georgebendera@gmail.com |
50. | Mr. Syslvester Sengerema | Justice & Const. Affairs | 0756955691 jajajijos@yahoo.com |
51. | Ms. Prisca J. Ulomi | Higher Education Science | 0754686643
priscajackson@yahoo.com |
52. | Mr. Nsachris B. Mwamaja | Ministry of Heal & Social Welfare | 0754272574 nsachrism@yahoo.com |
53. | Mr. Patricia T.M. Kuya | Ministry Health & Social Welfafe | 0784370715
Probby2002tz@yahoo.com |
54. | Ms. Ingiahedi Mduma | Ministry of Finance | ingiahedi@yahoo.com |
55. | Ms. Sheiba L. Bulu | Natural Resources & Tourism | 0754812872
sheibalal@yahoo.co.uk |
56. | Mr. Ramsey Kanyanga | Infrastructure | 0713439305
kanyangar@yahoo.com |
57. | Mr. Florence Lawrence | Information Officer | 0784246041
lawrenceflorence@yahoo.co.uk |
58. | Mr. Julius Mgaya | Infrastructure | 0713467719 mgayaz99@yahoo.com |
59. | Mr. Edward Kahurananga | Information Officer | 0713565135 kauranangae@yahoo.com |
60. | Mr. Kassim Mpenda | Information Officer | 0754302212
kassimmpendam@yahoo.com |
61. | Mr. Gervas Moshiro | Information Officer | 0754270684
moshirogr@yahoo.com |
62. | Mr. Habib Nyundo | Information Officer | 0784391424habib-nyundo@hotmail.com |
63. | Mr. Emmanuel Mangula | TCRA | 0713419320,0252502940 etkmangula@tcra.go.tz |
64. | Ms. Agnes A.B. Mandanda | Information Officer | 0713400914 anesaudrey@hotmail.com |